Manpower SEVA is involved in numerous public places and structure cleaning on a grassroots level which aims towards Women Health, Food distribution, Maintaining Hygiene (Disinfection of public places). Our primary objective is to reach as many people as we can who genuinely need our help to meet their basic needs and live happy, hygiene, healthy life just like everyone else.
Social Awareness Programs

In rural areas as well as cities females are still facing numerous challenges related to menstrual care and a hygiene sanitary practices. Sanitary waste disposal has always been an increasing problem in India because the plastic used in disposable sanitary napkins are not bio-degradable and lead to health and environmental hazards.
A collective measure to dispose of the sanitary wastes and make it more environment friendly is required on mass level with an ease of availability.
How we work?
We have currently introduced one such social awareness program for females in Mumbai and its Suburbs. This project is called Red.Bag where we aim to provide a Bag in which females can dispose of their used sanitary pads and at a same time also can pick a FREE Sanitary pad for fresh use.
Through our recent survey we found that it is very difficult for a working women to maintain a routine during their menstrual cycle. This results in unhygienic practices and skin infection many a times. Our Red.Bag project helps females to maintain their personal hygiene and provide them a facility for a safe sanitary pad disposal and also to collect the fresh one.
This Red Dustbin is available at workplaces, at an educational institutes, Railway Stations and other such public places for ease of access. These Red dustbins are provided at FREE of cost as a Pro bono.
Disinfection and cleaning of public places and keeping it germ FREE is of a high importance to maintain clean environment in a public places.
We focus to provide safe, green and natural solutions for sanitization process to beat the Pandemic and other such deadly illness which is a major threat to our society. However, our system is virtually unmatched in its power and effectiveness. All our disinfection activities are conducted at free of cost in any Educational institutes, Government and semi-government organisations, Orphanages, Old Age homes, Retention Centers for public health & social benefits.
Food, clothing & shelter is the basic necessity for all civilians. For people worrying about how to make end meet, the knowledge that they can receive a regular meal from our volunteers gives them one less thing to worry about in a day. Food or daily meal being the first necessity of all human beings we understand this basic issue and endeavor to prepare and feed 100’s of hungry people in the city to lead a healthy life. We accept various donations or groceries for conducting free food distribution activities both in the city and in the rural area.